Monday, December 29, 2008

The Infinite Power of Hope

Today at church we had a talk about Hope...
I didn't realize that Hope was a commandment - did you?
It says in the scriptures that we are supposed to always have Hope.
Faith, Hope and Charity...the greatest of these is Charity...
but without the other two, Charity would not be supported.
These three are like the legs on a three legged stool...
If one leg were missing, we would fall if we sat upon the stool.
By practicing our Faith, we strengthen Hope...
When we have Hope, we are more Charitible...
By giving and doing Charitible things, we show Faith.
There is a great talk that we discussed by Deiter Uchtdorf that discusses this very topic, titled The Infinite Power of Hope
So my challenge this week is to find someone who is in need and help them...
No matter what our position is in this life...
We can offer help to others...
To bolster their Faith...
To give them Hope...
To be more Charitible...

I truly Hope you will have a great day!

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